2007年4月10日 星期二

Just Between You And Me

When I read this story, all I can do is thinking. At the beginning, I can’t understand what it tried to tell us from this story. Finally, I got something from it. In the story, the most important paragraph is that the missing piece change himself in order to fit others but in the end he figure out that he also can roll by himself.

According to this story, we also can use this rule in friendship or man and woman. Just talk about man and woman. People like to drive themselves crazy in order to attract the one who is not supposed to belong to them. If they forced themselves to be together, unfortunately, their relationships are usually finished soon.

Just be yourself. Adequately changing is good for you but not too much. And all you have to do is waiting the one who is your real prince charming or princess charming.

1 則留言:

babynichu 提到...

After reading your article, I find your English is very well. Especailly in the grammar and vocabulary, it seems like that there is not anything wrong in your article!

You really do a excellent job, and I must train my English to be like tou.