2007年4月1日 星期日

Summary of None of Her Business

  Pet was sitting in the bus which she was waiting for a long time. Some passengers already to get off the bus and Pet noticed a woman was different from others. She found the woman was a blind and Pet was really surprised that the woman was traveling by herself. When they were waiting to transfer the bus in the bus station, Pet paid attention to the woman. Suddenly she saw a man approached the woman and said something near her ear. And then the woman went with him. Pet really worried about the woman so she followed them. She heard the man talked to the woman that the bus she wanted to take was in other places. Pet was really sure the station was the one which they just left. She wanted to find someone to help and she saw a chapmen. She asked him for help but unfortunately he refused. And he also told Pet that was not her business. At last Pet decided to save the woman by herself and she saved the woman successfully.

  Which is the impressive thing I think is the chapman. That was so mean that he didn’t help if he knew the terrible thing.

  I think that is a card-carrying tearless society. People in this time, they don’t like to notice the things which is not about them. They usually think that is not their business. Just because that, lots of accidents were happened without people’s care. We should improve that in order to make our world better.

3 則留言:

鳳娟 提到...

I am coming.
Do you write your new article?
Hurry up!
I want to leave a message to you.

babynichu 提到...

Apple, I am nini.

Mandy read the same story as you do, you decribed the story very well. Though your story, I know it more.

You are right, we should pay more attention around us. if there is a person needs our help, we should help them!

I read another story and write a article about that story in my blog, you can take a sight.I think it is very moved.

babynichu 提到...

Apple, I am nini.

Your article is awesome. But the sentence" Which is the impressive thing I think is the chapman." has a mistake. There two verbs in a sentence. You can make touble check!

And the sentence"   I think that is a card-carrying tearless society." has a mistake, too. There are two adjective in a sentence!!

I think that if you can check the mistakes again. Without this wrong, you can write better!